Volksdub 2010
Wezerweg, Holland
I saw the advert for this event on the dub05.com site - "Come to Holland and see our finest Rallye's!".
Ok, so it wasn't quite worded like that but this event, a combined show from dub05.com and volksforum.com was promising to make a special feature of the Golf Rallye.
It also suggested flights over there were crazy cheap and that they would even collect us foreigners from the airport. All in all, too good to miss.
Now fellow VW nerd Toph has lost his Rallye mojo in recent years. I think his car was last seen in mid-2007 so who better to take to remind him of what they can look like?
A 4.30am start and off to Stansted we went for a short flight to Weeze airport. Our Dutch friend Peter was there waiting to collect us in a stunning split screen camper - with our 'taxi' looking that good, it seemed a great sign for the day ahead.
A short drive and trip across the German/Dutch border had us turn up at the showground at about 9.30am. As the event had started the day before and included unlimited free Saturday night drink in the ticket price, it was no surprise to see a slow start to the day!
So off we went wandering around in what turned out to be a blazingly hot day. Who was the first person we bump into? James Wallace of course! I don't think it's possible to go to a VW show anywhere without seeing the freelance Golf+/PVW writer!
Now the problem with attending a lot of VW events and to a lesser extent reading too many forum build threads, is that it all becomes a bit repetitive. Same cars, same people, different grass field!
Do something like this though and it's suddenly all fresh again. If you have become a bit bored with the UK scene I can't recommend a trip abroad enough.
Rallye's - that's the main reason we went and we weren't disappointed. I would guess at 20 or so cars being there, from standard through to R32 engine installs and colour changes.
Of course we bumped into UK Rallye hero Simon McNamara, just a 1100 mile round trip to be there with his grey Rallye. No lame Ryanair for him!
The overall standard of the cars on show was pretty damn high, the fact that I took so many photos for once should demonstrate that well enough.
My personal favourite, Rallye's aside, would be the grey mk1 with the 16vG60 Limited engine. In fact, there were so many 16vG60 builds there they made it look common!
One for the wheel whores now - see the 17" RS on the Limited below? They are 4/100 fitment, how rare?!
Massive thanks again to Peter for the finest taxi service and for being so friendly to a couple of English VW nerds. What's next? MIVW show in Holland of course!!

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