Edition38 2006
Overstone Park, Northants, UK
Another superb Edition38 weekend show. Thanks to Simon for the photos and Lewy for the review:
Edition38 2006 - quite possibly the biggest water-cooled event of the year and going on the turn out by the Dutch, the Belgium's, the German's and the French, it could be turning into one of the biggest events in Europe.
The club stand was well represented by the regular show goers, plus a few Edition 'virgins'. Needless to say we all gelled easily and once the beer tent was open and the alcohol was flowing, we all became the best of friends, some even shared a car!
Our VW representation was in excellent shape this year too, with plenty of people coming away from the show with a clear aspiration as what to do next - "onwards and upwards" was the cry of the weekend and even Gibby had bought a Mk2, so there must've been something in the water!
Saturday saw torrential rain showers and the withdrawal of the GolfGTI.co.uk gazebo (kindly donated by Topher) as the wind had also picked up and decided to try and throw it over the next field. Thankfully there were a few peeps who weren't too hungover to walk the show field to grab it and pack it away safely.
Saturday also saw the constant barrage of peer presssure to get Joe's Mk2 and my OG from the stand up on to the stage and introduce the cars and us to the people. Quite embarrassing for the two of the us, a little too embarrassing for me as I had a small fuel leak prior to going up - well spotted/sniffed out by Mark Dzus of Juswheels.
Ozz was the only GolfGTI member that entered the show and shine this year, but unfortunately he came away with nothing as the standard of show cars, and even Rat look was phenomenal, it had easily stepped up a few gears from last year.
There were a whole heap of cars that I hadn't seen before, it was as if some car builders were holding out for this show to present their cars to the scene, perhaps the conception is that Edition38 is
the show to display your pride and joy.
Many thanks to all who attended and represented GolfGTI.co.uk and thanks to the Edition38 crew for an excellent chilled out show.

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